With a focus on creating sublime pieces of collectible design, artist Isaac Katz merges the art and design worlds into a seamless whole, create enduring works of beauty that provoke the viewer to examine what functional art can be.
An exercise in pure aesthetic expression and the limitless potential of volume and light, Katz’s work taps into algorithmic processes intrinsic in the natural world – using and transmuting the physical laws that bind us, taking us on a journey to a universe where anything is possible.
Katz’s work borrows imagery and textures from the natural world – the tables, sculptures and vases frequently feature the mathematical precision of forms found in flower petals, or the chaotic and random arrangement of water droplets, ripples, and sparks – while evoking a sense of wonder via their seamless finish and striking compositions. Combining form, function, and a playful and liberated approach towards geometry and abstraction, Katz Studio is a place of experimentation and discovery; where the boundless possibilities of Art and Design cohere into an integrated whole.
“Before we can adorn our houses with beautiful objects the walls must be stripped, and our lives must be stripped, and beautiful housekeeping and beautiful living be laid for a foundation: now, a taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors, where there is no house and no housekeeper.
— Henry David Thoreau, Walden, ”
I care about beauty. I care about what it gives us, what it represents. The famous psychologist Abraham Maslow described the hierarchy of human needs as going from the most basic (such as food, sleep and shelter) up to self-actualization at the top of the pyramid. Beauty, to me, is self-actualizaiton. It is the highest form of human expression. It is our way to connect with Spirit, where Spirit is that part of us that transcends us and makes us look towards the infinite.
What I present here, my work, is my understanding of beauty. My take on what is beautiful, what is unique, what moves me. That is the primary determinant. As such my work has no overt meaning. It is not really a discourse on anything. Although if I had to chose something it would be on the strangeness of being able to simulate alternate worlds inside a computer.
For me the work is about a search for truth, and the many different expressions it can take on a journey inside alien universes. My tools are digital simulations. My ideal is for a constant search for beauty. My quest is for you to touch the infinite, if only for a brief moment, while contemplating art.
--Isaac Katz
Interior of Katz Masaryk
I feel compelled to write a bit about myself so that poeple who might have more than a cursory interest in my art could have a bit more to dig their teeth into.
I became fascinated with creating art with the computer in college, immediately seeing the amazing and hitherto unexplored possibilities it offered as a creative medium.
Although I dabbled in finance for a bit afterwards, I have been developing my technique, called 'Perceptivism' and creating art with the computer ever since.
My process is simple, I use the computer as a traditional artist might use the brush, or a sculptor clay. It is a tool. It is an infinite tool at that. Instead of paints I have simulations run in parallel worlds. Instead of clay I have algorithms determine how light bends through an invented material, or how a piece of cloth might flutter in an unknown atmosphere. At the end of the day, it is simply my tool of choice for creative expression.
… That all pervading beauty is not an exercise in creative imagination. It is the actual structure of the universe. That all pervading beauty is in truth the very nature of the Kosmos right now. It is not something you have to imagine, because it is the actual structure of perception in all domains. If you remain in the eye of Spirit, every object is an object of radiant Beauty. If the doors of perceptions are cleansed, the entire Kosmos is your lost and found beloved, the Original Face of primordial Beauty, forever, and forever, and endlessly forever. And in the face of that stunning Beauty, you will completely swoon into your own death, never to be seen or heard from again, except on those tender nights when the wind gently blows through the hills and the mountains, quietly calling your name.
-- Ken Wilber, The Eye of Spirit
Isaac Katz